
Monday, December 23, 2013

Effects of Science

Effects of Technology So often these mean solar days we hear and declaim of the taming of a river, the war against insects and so on. Often these phrases are apply with extinct consciously attaching any care for to them, but they be captivate underneath them an attitude of distaste towards Nature & ampere; its creatures. Alternatively, nature is seen muchover as a resource to be exploited, to request the upper limit out of it regardless of what this does to natural processes and to other creatures which depend on these processes. Well, or so of this destruction of nature is mainly because of the fast-running human soul and the more rapidly increasing advancements in the modern day engineering. erudition and its maneuvers over the centuries read made life easier & enjoyable. Its industry has proved to be a blessing in umteen ways. The first significant advancement in technology was the invention of fire about a million long clock time ago, this enabled humans to cook food, and create other items such as utensils. Technology now has improved sharply, and with TVs, MP3s, Computers etc., our way of life has changed. We have become the people of modern ideas and innovations & this shows our stinking richness. With the approach path of Mp3s, TVs and computers, life for humans have become easier but besides lazier.
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