
Monday, January 7, 2019

Bus 475 Value Alignment

appreciate Alignment Paper Edleen position BUS/475 March 13, 2013 Carol Sommers Value Alignment Paper This reputation analyzes undividedist(a) set and the shaping, health care Synergy, Inc. s, set as reflected by their plans and actions. It includes the origin and subsequent organic evolution of my own(prenominal) and oeuvre set. The paper explains how individual value drive actions and behaviors while analyzing the coalition between determine and actions and behavior. The paper get out demonstrate analytic thinking of the score of junction between HealthCare Synergy, Inc. s verbalize values and their actual plans and actions. It bequeath test to explain the differences and analyze the degree of coalescency between your values and the validations values as reflected by the organizations plans and actions. Origin of Personal and body of operate on determine After careful analysis of the origin of my individual(prenominal) values, I pass a great amount of m y values are targetly influenced by the fostering I received from my parents and otherwise rigorous family members and friends, teachers throughout my education, and maybe even television set and movies.Culture, tradition, and loving standards helped in nurturing values such(prenominal) as accountability, consistency, commitment, integrity, leadership, and respect to name a few. After considering the origin of my work values, I realized these too were in direct correlation with culture, tradition, and social standards learned from personal experiences with flock I considered close and cherished throughout my life, including previous job positions and employees Ive worked with in the past.Subsequent evolution of my personal and workplace values have a administer to do with exposure to different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and social and political influences. As my personal and workplace experiences increase, so do my expectations. Actions and Behavior compulsive by In dividual Values My individual values drive my actions and behavior. Personal moral philosophy and values add balance and stableness to my life and allow me to exist as a well-rounded individual, both in my personal space and my workplace.Without core values such as commitment, dedication, consistency, leadership, loyalty, and respect, it would prove toilsome to fit or mold into disdain settings and adapt to an organizations line of work cultures. I analyzed how my personal values confederation with my actions and behavior by predicting the exit should my values be non-existent. If I peril the inability to possess personal qualities employers find for in the workplace- commitment, accountability, loyalty, integrity, leadership, consistency and respect- I w hallucinating non be trusted or seen as an asset to the company when it comes to achieving their general goals and objectives.Degree of Alignment Corporations express Values Versus Plans and Actions HealthCare Synergy, I nc. prides itself in providing their clients with threefold options for office mechanisation solutions, superior products and portions, and a high level of customer service and technological skill. In vagabond to acquire this, the company must make plans and plow the appropriate actions necessary. The company must fill administrative personnel who are familiar and knowledgeable in the home wellness attention.They must also employee software system technicians who tush fix glitches and trouble shoot software as well as work well with clients and prospects different cultures and ethnicities in order to assist their diverse client base. Medicare thrill experts, clinical provide, and a culture team up are needed in order to keep the software compliant with offer and federal health regulations. HealthCare Synergy, Inc. ill not be able to render superior products and services and high levels of customer support that have kept them in the business for over years without staff who display commitment, dedication, accountability, integrity, consistency, respect, and leadership qualities. Individual Values Versus Corporations Values base on Plans and Actions To gain market deal out in the home health industry, HealthCare Synergy, Inc. must set themselves apart from other software vendors by having a belligerent advantage. Theyre competitive advantage is they not only offer one theatrical role of oftware, they offer a variety by operative closely with other software vendors who do not mind share-out the market share and developing interfaces. In order for HealthCare Synergy, Inc. to offer these types of tools and automation solutions, they have to work with business people who are also dedicated and connected to doing what it takes to obtain the market share. Networking with the right vendors, working with the right consultants, employing the right technical support, training, marketing, accounting, and development teams is crucial to the companys success.These individuals go forth need to display qualities such as loyalty, commitment, dedication, perseverance, accountability, responsibility, integrity, consistency, and leadership outside of knowledge of the industry and how to gain the confidence and trust and cater to the wants and needs of home health theatrical owners. This paper analyzed my individual values and the organization, HealthCare Synergy, Inc. s, values as reflected by my plans and actions and their plans and actions.It includes the origin and subsequent evolution of my personal and workplace values. The paper explained how my individual values have driven my actions and behaviors while analyzing the alignment between values and actions and behaviors of HealthCare Synergy, Inc. The paper also attempted to explain the differences and analyzes the degree of alignment between my values and the organizations values as reflected by the organizations plans and actions.

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