
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Reaction Paper: the Exorcism of Emily Rose

THE EXORCISM OF EMILY rose REACTION PAPER Many years ago, there was part of floor in Heaven, where angels fought against divinity fudge. The war broke out after one angel, named dickens the light bearer, became envious about Gods power. ogre pull together his own army of angels. The battle led into an extermination of distrustful angels in heaven. hellion was defeated by Michael, Gods Archangel. The fallen angels of Lucifer fell on earth and Lucifer was banished by God into a place where he could never do anything sliminess in Heaven. Lucifer roams on earth in another name, called morning star, the prince of darkness.In the pictorial matter, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, there was a big misunderstanding about the demise of a certain girl, named Emily Rose. The movie started when Emily was found dead. More stories about the life of Emily were just flashed back in the trial court. In the scene, Fr. Richard Moore was charged of negligent homicide after doing the rite of exorcism . Experts in the field of psychology, neurology and medicine were called to explain the causes of Emilys death. Most of the experts express and agreed that Emily was suffering from epilepsy and psychosis. Some experts stated that Fr.Moores advice led to the death of Emily Rose. As a justification about the movie, I believe that Emilys death was caused by colossusic possession. Her actions were not the results, caused by epilepsy and psychosis. With her actions narrated by around citizen who knew her, I believe that she was truly possessed by demons. Some verbalise that her actions were inhumane and scary. As what was Fr. Richard Moore was telling, he witnessed that Emilys actions and movements were manipulated by some evil forces surrounding her. One who is being possessed shows the symptoms of uncontrollable strength angered from the victims body.Some people who were possessed had more than one demon possessing them. That is why the possessed are strong and scary. Only the pow er of God through the use of his servants can extract demonic possession. As what I believe of being a Christian, I believe that those people who permit less faith will easily fall in Satans hands. To avoid such incident, we essential know how to pray to God. We must not rely on our own human nature, for it has no mark against Satans dark powers. We must try to live in accordance to Gods will for he alone knows what is decent and wrong.

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