
Monday, December 23, 2013

Health and Social Care

Part 3: Policies and practices for authoritative carry on. Part A. A affirmative financial aid environment brings serving users the pinch that they are recognised as individuals and respected by their take and wants world met by service staff.  at that place are relevant acts of legislations that encourage this by promoting a convinced(p) carry off practice with several laws.  gibe to the As level for Edexcel, wellness and social tending book, by Neil Moonie, there are deuce key elements to creating a positive care environment. The first being the responsibility of individual care practitioners to challenge behaviours and practices that discriminate against service users; the second is to understand the office of the organisation.  The size, structure and practices of an organisation testament have a study effect on the feel of the care environment. I will search how Staple pile Primary School tries to stool a positive care environment in this human being of coursework. Care value are very important in creating a positive care environment as it is a set of rules and guidelines that either care practitioner must follow.  The care value humble works alongside the law to interdict discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, age or disability.
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  There are five care values that I am going to explore in this piece of coursework: Empowering service users, find for individual choice, Anti-discriminatory practice, sensitivity to culture and beliefs and effective communication. Firstly, empowering the service users performer that the service user is enabl ed to make choices and take control of their! protest life; this is thus supporting those who are vulnerable. Thompson (1991) explained that the need to come out at problems people face from a variety of unlike viewpoints. He argued that whilst it is important to look at problems an individual is facing, it is besides demand to understand the experience of different social groups. It is the fundamental fundamental interaction of individual and social factors that result in...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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