
Monday, December 23, 2013


Socrates is the philosopher against whom all others are compared, he pioneered philosophical methods, such as elenchus, that are still used today, and his messages are still taught everyplace 2,000 years later. Yet his fellow citizens of Athens felt that his actions were so radical that they threatened Athenian society. Socrates defended his life but in the end he sure the ruling of the court to funda workforcet him to death. There are three main reasons why Socrates evaluate his death reprove. First, it is better to suffer injustice than to do unjustly. Second, rejecting the clip of the court would be terms because it hurt Athens. Thirdly, the soul is deific and therefore Socrates would be hurt more by performing unjustly then by his body dying. The most challenge thing about the trial was that Socrates was defending his actions, not his life. He seemed almost ambivalent to the continuation of his life but genial of was concerned wi th the wisdom of his actions during his life. “You are abuse, sir, if you think that a humanness who is any good at all should take into musical score the risk of life or death; he should acquire to this only in his actions, whether what he does is right or wrong (Apology 28b).
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” Socrates believes that it is a disgrace to back down in the cause of danger when he has done the right thing. This is especially professedly for Socrates because of the charges against him. He refutes all of them and shows that he does believe in the cite Gods, that he does not charge a fee for teaching, and t hat if he pollutes the minds of young people! it is of there own free will. His strongest simple eye is that if he did do wrong he did so unwittingly and therefore should not be punished. He puts this defense in the form of an arguwork forcet. It went as follows: 1.It is better to live with good men than with cheating(a), 2.It is better for me to live with good men then with puckish 3.It is better for me to make others good, not wicked. 4.If I make others wicked...If you craving to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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